A brief history of Croatia in 3 additional Slavic languages
Added translations in three largest Slavic languages: Russian (rus), Ukrainian (ukr) and Polish (pol). The article thereby reached a total of 10 languages, including Croatian original and 9 largest European languages.
Quadriscriptal brief history of Croatia
Marking the 50th anniversary of the Declaration on the Status and Name of the Croatian Literary Language of 17 March 1967, Metodios introduces the quadriscriptal Brief history of Croatia. Alongside with the modern Croatian Gaj's Latin, the text is presented in three other historical scripts of Croatian language – Glagolitic, Croatian Cyrillic and Arabic.
A brief history of Croatia in 3 additional Romance languages
Translations added: Italian (ita), Portuguese (por), Spanish (spa).
A brief history of Croatia in four languages
In the occasion of Croatian accession to the European Union, Metodios proudly presents its first main topic, A brief history of Croatia, which can be copied and distributed through media, publications, official documents and business overviews. The article is available in the following languages (with respective ISO 639-3 codes): Croatian (hrv), English (eng), German (deu) and French (fra).
Metodios launched
Launch of Metodios, an internet collection of formalised and transferable knowledge about Croatia, in the occasion of the Statehood Day and 22nd anniversary of Croatian independence.